
Digital Content Creator, 3D Artist, YouTuber & Twitch Streamer

DLS hosted our first of many Movie days with the DLSers in our community. We watched the 1983 movie ‘A Christmas Story’. I can’t tell you the last time I watched this movie, but it has brought back some childhood Christmas memories.

If you missed this movie event, many more will come starting early next month. You can follow our event calendar and stay updated. We hope to see more friendly faces at future events as our community of DLS users grows.

Item Highlights


Nails: Hollydai


Hair: Oakley Earmuffs Edition

Pink Cream Pie

Top: Annie Ugly Sweater

Little Fox

Jeans: Lola Jeans

Digital Living System (DLS)

Mug: Soaking Snowman Cocoa


Shoes: Candy Boots

Location Highlight

Digital Living System

Digital Living System is a simulation game in SecondLife that mimics real-life mental and physical needs, health benefits, and life value! Hunger, Fun, Hygiene, Energy, Social, and Bladder to maintain your life, happiness, and community in DLS! Join Our Inworld Group to keep up with the newest developments!


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